The Cognitive domain relates to a student’s ability to process and store information, and utilise skills and knowledge in a range of literacy, numeracy and other cognitive tasks.
The NSW Syllabuses are the foundation of program planning for all students; goals and plans for students with additional needs should be based on these documents. This domain deals with academic interventions for Literacy and Numeracy only, and sets out generalised supports to be applied across all other Key Learning Areas.
The Australian Curriculum is based on the assumption that each student can learn and the needs of every student are important. It enables high expectations to be set for each student as teachers account for the current levels of learning of individual students and the different rates at which students develop (ACARA, 2010).
A cyclic approach to assessment, planning, teaching and evaluation ensures that Literacy and Numeracy Plans are working documents that are referred to and updated frequently. Formative assessment (assessment for learning) describes the student’s abilities, needs, and interests and uses these as a starting point for formulating goals and designing interventions. SMART goals clearly outline what the student will learn and how they will demonstrate that learning.
Cognitive Domain PDF
Download the entire Cognitive Domain in PDF format and save it to your computer.

Social Inclusion
The educational inclusion of students with additional needs is a major tenet of the Learning and Support Plan. Belonging as a valued member of the class is a critical outcome for all children.
The Literacy and Numeracy Plan may outline some individually administered components for the student, but the focus is on making the class program as accessible as possible for all learners from the beginning of the planning process.